Monday, November 12, 2007

About waitin' for the sun to come out

On our way up to Michigan on Saturday, the sun was kind of in-and-out. We left under cloudy skies...then things lightened and it was partly cloudy awhile...then back to cloudy...but by the time we got to Canton, Michigan, it got cloudy and stayed that way--and worse!--for the rest of the weekend.

When it got home and were unloading, my neighbor across the street was racking leaves. "I hate being cooped up already!" she railed, and I knew just what she meant.

We got spoiled this summer--with the warm weather starting towards the end of April and and not leaving us until October. Too used to shorts and flipflops, windows open (or air conditioner on, I don't miss that!), no jacket needed, a Florida kind of life.

But it was back to the reality of what fall and winter in Indiana is really like, the short grey days (and they have seemed oh so short since the time change), the chill, the jeans-and-sweaters-and-winter-coat wardrobe (although the Michigan folks haven't quite all jumped on that wagon, I saw tons of guys in shorts and sandals), the AIS evenings.

If I ever have one second in the summer when I think longingly of jeans-and-sweaters weather, it takes one week of reality to remind me of why I love Florida.

I do like the seasons, I do like the change, I do I do I do I do, as the cowardly lion said in The Wizard of Oz. I just really don't like being cold.

I'll get through this winter, as I have all the others. Maybe we'll escape to The Sunshine State in March or so for a break. Although I've found that nothing feels worse on slightly sunburned skin than snow.

Well, what about you? Light or dark?

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